
Smart Document Handling

Automatic Weekly Reports

All Information on the Map

Collaborate via 4shipping Software

Ease of handling documents

You can easily collaborate with clients via the 4shipping inland shipping software. For example, handle documents easily and digitally, such as ransom receipts, bills of lading and charters. In addition, as an inland shipping entrepreneur, you can share your ETA or ETD for optimal coordination.

If you are mainly active on the spot market, you will also find exciting freight offers or share your availability with clients.

4shipping Transport detail

Generate weekly reports

Save time with automatic weekly reporting

Are you active in container transport? Then you are probably used to working with a weekly report. This can be generated up to 90% automatically with the 4shipping software without worrying about it.

You also have insight into your performance such as fuel consumption, transported volume, waiting times at terminals and more.

All information on the map

Always your correct and complete information at hand

You recognize it: You use dozens of different websites to collect all the information you need during your work. Water levels, operating times of locks that you visit less often or, for example, the telephone number of that one terminal. This can all be found together in the maps module in the 4shipping app.

Would you like to plan a route to see which locks and bridges you will encounter? Or to forward your Track & Trace link to your client or goods recipient based on this route? Then use the 4shipping planning software, because 4shipping makes it easy!

4shipping Card

Jan Snoeij

Chief Executive Officer

Want to know more or get started right away?

Or call directly +31 (0) 8540 18 940